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Visualize Your Way to Leadership Success: Why Every Leader Needs a Vision Board

Leadership in the Dark

Imagine navigating every aspect of life in total darkness: eating without seeing your food, lifting weights in a pitch-black room, or driving a car without headlights. What thoughts would race through your mind as you struggled to avoid obstacles? How cautiously would you move, haunted by the fear of causing harm to yourself or others? We instinctively know better than to perform everyday activities in the dark, yet, surprisingly, in leadership, we often choose to switch off all the lights.

The Need for a Clear Plan

One way to be an effective leader is to have a clear, written plan. Sometimes, you might not have all the pieces of the puzzle at your disposal, yet you still need to chart the path to strategically position what is necessary and decide which pieces are even required. Your primary role as a leader is to keep the end goal within grasp at all times.

Why Measurable Goals Matter:

For a vision board to truly serve its purpose as a tool for manifestation and motivation, it’s crucial to set goals that are specific, measurable, and time-bound. Measurable goals provide clear milestones to assess progress and foster motivation, turning abstract aspirations into tangible achievements. They give you the clarity needed to take actionable steps and the motivation to persevere, as you can see real progress over time.

Example: Enhance Work-Life Balance


Reduce working hours to 40 per week by December 31st, 2024, while maintaining or increasing current performance metrics, and ensure at least two uninterrupted evenings per week for family activities.


1. Monthly Check-ins: At the start of each month, review the previous month’s schedule to identify patterns or days where work excessively impeded on personal time.

2. Weekly Planning: Every Sunday, plan the week ahead to allocate time slots specifically for family activities, ensuring these are treated with the same importance as key business meetings.

3. Daily Habits: Set a daily reminder to assess the day's schedule each morning, ensuring that there is a balance between work tasks and family time. Utilize productivity techniques such as time-blocking to efficiently manage work hours.

Visualization on the Vision Board:

Place a calendar on the vision board with key dates highlighted for family events and personal time. Include inspirational quotes about balance and well-being alongside images that represent family happiness and professional success.

Visualizing Success: The Power of a Vision Board

A Vision Board is essentially your mind expressed on paper. Do not hesitate to transfer all the ideas from your mind into plain view. Dedicate every day and moment to putting your vision into practice, ensuring that your vision is not vague but sharply defined, detailing exactly how you want to feel emotionally, spiritually, financially, and mentally when you reach your intended destination.

The Impact of Vision on Leadership

Every leader needs a Vision Board; without one, it's like driving in the dark, hoping to avoid an accident. A Vision Board enables a leader to articulate the goal clearly and ensures that everyone involved is aligned with the vision, performing their roles effectively to achieve the objective. The last scenario you want is for your team to continually alter the plan or vision because the leader wavers on their strategy.

Conclusion: The Safety in Vision

Having a clear vision provides safety and support to those around you; it shows that you care and are consistent in your approach, driving confidently toward the finish line. A vision board does more than just outline goals—it acts as a beacon, guiding your decisions and aligning your team. A well-defined vision can transform challenges into successes, proving that a clear vision is not just beneficial but essential. I would never trust a leader who operates without a vision.

"Nothing will work unless you do." - Maya Angelou

Connect to Mirajo Collective to tap into a village that supports your vision.

Written by:

Miranda J

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