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Accepting Diversity: How Mirajo Collective is Starting Fresh with Unity.

"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences." - Audre Lorde

Unity is key
Welcome to Mirajo Collective

Beyond Labels

Hey there! I’m Miranda Johnson—military brat turned young mom, then hot mom, now sometimes taxi mom. I’ve been through the marriage mill, from divorced to happily remarried, and yes, I’ve been keeping it all together while spinning a few plates. It's 2024, and let me tell you, in my 43 years on this wild planet, it feels like we're still playing the same old record. Groups upon groups—political fan clubs, spiritual squads, environmental crusaders, and those who just want to Netflix and chill away from it all. We’re busy drawing lines in the sand over everything: job titles, ZIP codes, you name it. As a wife, mom, and someone trying to make business moves, I’m pretty exhausted by the label game. Seriously, there’s more to me—and all of us—than these damn badges we wear.

Where is the Unity?

Think we can embrace our differences and share a vision? Most folks laugh and say, 'Hell No!' Easy out, right? From the minute we pop into the world, it’s like society has this giant sorter that tries to box us up and slap a label on. Doctor’s visits turn into a stats game—will this baby be a basketball player or a brainiac? Schools aren’t much different, with tests that seem designed more to pigeonhole than enlighten. And let’s not even start on the gender scripts—be a 'good' woman by being quiet and pretty, or a 'good' man by being strong and stoic. Then there’s the dating game; I don’t even know what to tell my daughters anymore. We preach equality, but it’s like a mythical unicorn—much talked about but rarely seen until, well, until it's too late.

Better Together

Here's where I’m at: it starts with a vision born from sheer tiredness of smacking into the same walls. If I can see the person who’s nothing like me as a key piece in this crazy life puzzle we’re all trying to solve, maybe they can see me that way too. I can't promise we’ll obliterate division overnight, but why not start chipping away at it in our own backyard?

I have a life too, I am juggling family, business, and my sanity, and I've decided enough's enough. I’m choosing to laugh more and fuss less. Learning from everyone, good, bad, and in-between. Why spend our energy digging trenches when we can be building bridges? I like to say,"Life’s too short to drink bad wine or hold good grudges,." Get to a place where unity can survive.

The Mission to Unite

Our mission at the Mirajo Collective? Simple: unite folks from all walks of life and find common ground. We're here to build a 'gang'—minus the violence, plus a ton of laughter. Think of us as your life's comic relief where we replace bickering with banter. If you’re sick of the division dance and ready to try something new, come check us out. Let's celebrate that diversity is our collective strength. Together, we can redefine boundaries as opportunities for connection and growth. As Maya Angelou beautifully expressed, 'In diversity there is beauty and there is strength."

Written by: Miranda J

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