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Can you have it all? 9 -Nine main areas of life and you can have it all.

“You can give up time as long as you get the most.”

Growing up, I didn’t see examples of women mastering all areas of life and living their fullest, happiest selves. I knew women who were content with their situations or had made peace to enjoy the rest of their days. Unfortunately, this made me believe that no one truly had it all. In church, we would hear about the wealthy not being truly happy. So, if they couldn’t have it all and be wealthy, how could I?

There came a point where I started coming to terms with this. When my finances or health were good, I would brace myself for my love life to falter. Or if my love life was thriving, I’d think, "Great, but there goes my money." And then the family, the love life, the money—and suddenly I had gained 30lbs! I was convinced it was impossible to master all 9 areas at the same time.

The 9 Areas to Win in Life:

  • Finances - Set mini achievable goals. Achieve stability and confidence in managing money, ensuring that financial concerns don’t overwhelm your daily peace.

  • Physical Health - See yourself as Beautiful. Maintain a level of fitness and wellness that allows for daily activities without physical constraints or undue stress.

  • Mental Wellness - Sleep. Rest. Repeat. A rested mind builds a muscle to becoming a stronger and more resilient you.

  • Relationships - Find your tribe. Meaningful connections can provide support and joy to lead to satisfied life.

  • Social Life - Give Back. Engage with a community that uplifts and energizes you. Set time to know your neighbors and how you can be a resource to give back.

  • Spirituality - Get Outside. You are not alone and getting out into the elements of nature is your reminder to focus on the simple things.

  • Career - Never stop Dreaming. Go for what feels rewarding and aligns with personal values, contributing to a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

  • Family - Create your space. Build a nurturing family environment that promotes mutual respect and love, offering a stable and supportive home life. Remember, you can choose your family.

  • Love - Fall in Love with you! Can you be trusted, respected, and offer affection? You will attract who you are, not who you want to become.

Close your eyes and imagine mastering all these areas. Write down what it looks like or feels like to accomplish living to have it all.

Having all nine doesn’t mean your life is easy or perfect. It means you understand balance and have learned to prioritize yourself, aligning everything for your good. In 2023, I found myself still okay with not having it all, but eventually, I had enough of not winning. I am a leader; I am a winner. How could I accept this and give away my power, thinking some "negative energy" was holding me back? Now, the challenge was convincing my brain: You can have it all! I began by repeating to myself, “I AM LIVING A LIFE I DON’T NEED A VACATION FROM.” Initially, this was about a happy home and improving my relationships. It has since evolved into, "How can I truly have it all and what am I willing to do to get it?"

I categorized my goals; for instance, I wanted a healthier marriage and started taking small steps toward alignment. Previously, I would invest 80% of my energy into my marriage and spread the remaining 20% across everything else. The principle of having it all is: "You can give up time as long as you get the most.”

So, you mean to tell me that to have it all, I need to spend more time alone and take care of myself? YES! It seems like you should dive in, but the truth is, you should just float. I began taking silent walks, spending time in meditation, and being really stingy with my Fridays. I designated Friday as my day, and after I finish work, pick up the girls from school, clean up, and fix dinner for my husband, I spend every other minute of my Friday doing whatever I want. As I was firm in taking time off, I began to think clearer and people started saying, “Yes, I know it’s Friday, just a quick question not to bother you.” People are beginning to respect my time. Once that happened, I started dedicating time to all 9 areas in small increments each day, resulting in a better me all around. The truth is, the better I treated myself, the more I felt like I was on an island all by myself, in full control.

As long as I take care of my physical, mental, and spiritual health, there is no limit to the heights I can reach in my other relationships, including with money. I came to understand that self-care doesn’t mean spending a ton of money on myself—it means caring for my soul and ensuring that I can be completely alone and still feel immense love around me. How can you begin to master all 9? Start by protecting the person who wants it all, ensuring she is ready to be in a complete state of bliss without questioning her worthiness. You are worthy of all 9, and today is the start of getting there.

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Written by:

Miranda J

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